worship scheduleEvery Sunday Coffee Talk 9:30 AM Faith Formation 9:45 AM Worship 11:00 AM Every Third Sunday Loving Relationships Dinner after worship |
Special servicesWe are worshiping virtually through Zoom during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please go to our home page to click the link for instructions on how to join us each Sunday at 11:00 a.m. |
Worship at United Disciples of Christ Church is a blending of everything from contemporary to traditional genres. It is our hope that you will experience the joy of God's love and grace during worship.
Our services have an array of music. Any given worship service could include music from our congregational singing, choirs, praise band, handbells, or other ensembles.
As the community gathers in worship, prayers are offered, God's peace is shared, the Word is proclaimed, our gifts are offered, and God is experienced as we come to the table where all are invited and welcomed as God has welcomed each of us. All of this and more are a part of worship here at United.
We would love for you to join us at 11:00 on Sunday morning. Come as you are and consider coming a little bit early to join us for "Coffee Talk."
Our services have an array of music. Any given worship service could include music from our congregational singing, choirs, praise band, handbells, or other ensembles.
As the community gathers in worship, prayers are offered, God's peace is shared, the Word is proclaimed, our gifts are offered, and God is experienced as we come to the table where all are invited and welcomed as God has welcomed each of us. All of this and more are a part of worship here at United.
We would love for you to join us at 11:00 on Sunday morning. Come as you are and consider coming a little bit early to join us for "Coffee Talk."
Coffee TalkCoffee Talk begins at 9:30 each Sunday morning. Coffee Talk is an informal time of gathering for coffee, juice and other refreshments before Faith Formation Time begins at 9:45. This time continues as various people gather to take in the different activities on Sunday morning as the church prepares itself for worship. ChoirDo you love to sing in the car? The shower? Would you like to share your love of God and your love for music with others who also love to sing? Then join the UDOCC Choir! Rehearsal is on Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m. praise bandUP (United Praise) is made up of volunteers who love to play and want to praise God together. |
Faith formationWe invite you to join us for a time of Faith Formation before worship on Sunday mornings. Click here for a list of our current classes. handbellsThe Ringing Disciples Handbell Choir rehearses on Thursdays, 5:30 – 6:45. Members of the choir come from many denominations, including UDOCC, so this is truly an ecumenical group. We ring 5 octaves of handbells and 3 octaves of handchimes, and provide special music for worship services about once each month. We welcome new ringers at any time; no experience required other than knowing the difference between your left and right hands, as well as the ability to count to 4! |