We are continuing our weekly devotional on Wednesdays at 12:00 noon.
We’re calling this time Journeying Together and you can find the information on the book we are using by joining our devotional. This is a daily personal devotional, but we will meet as a group via zoom each Wednesday at 12:00 noon. You may join the devotional each week by clicking the link below: us02web.zoom.us/j/81420048630?pwd=MWkvcGFQZlFYUmtGN2dqMUZ4cGJ5dz09 Meeting ID: 814 2004 8630 Passcode: 668878
We have begun a hybrid worship experience by worshiping in person as well as on Zoom each Sunday. You may join the Zoom worship by clicking on the link to let us know you are interested. This allows you to email our Pastor to give him your email address so you can receive the link each week. Worship begins at 11:00 a.m. Please join us! Please email our pastor, Steven, for a link to the service. We hope if you have been joining us virtually for worship during this pandemic, you'll continue to do so. If you haven't joined us yet, please do! We have been having wonderful, worshipful experiences! How to Use Zoom By emailing our pastor, you will receive a link to join a Zoom meeting. You can download Zoom to your device at that time or before you receive the link.
Thank you to all those who joined us for our daily Lenten Devotional.
It was a wonderful shared journey! Good Evening Church Family!
I hope you’re all doing well this evening and preparing for the cooler weather! Here are your reminders for the week. Please remember and plan to stay for the Congregational Meeting this Sunday immediately following worship. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss and vote to accept the revised Constitution and Bylaws of UDoCC. We will be having a Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday, October 27th. We need lots and lots of volunteers to help with this Youth Fundraiser. Please see Rosetta and let her know how you can help. You may purchase your tickets from Pam Emch. From the Missions Team:
Brenda Crites’ granddaughter, Marisa, is in the SC Youth Challenge Academy. She is doing well, but could use some love, support and encouragement. A card or note to let her know that she is being prayed for and supported in her journey would mean so much to her. If you would like to mail Marisa a card or letter, please mail it to: Cadet Marisa Aleshire SC Youth Challenge Academy 5417 Leesburg Rd. BLDG 3892 Eastover, SC 29044 Thank you and I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Cheryl
5417 Leesburg Rd. BLDG 3892 Eastover, SC 29044 From the Missions Team:
Thank you and I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Cheryl These weekly reminders go out to church members via email. If you aren't getting them and would like to, please send an email to Cheryl at [email protected].
5417 Leesburg Rd. BLDG 3892 Eastover, SC 29044
Thank you and I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Cheryl
Thank you and I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Cheryl Good Afternoon Church Family!
I hope you’re all doing well today. Here are your reminders for this week…
Cheryl Good Evening Church Family!
I hope you’re all doing well this evening. Here are your reminders for this week…
Cheryl As you can see, we have a new website! If you're having trouble navigating it or see some information missing, please let Cheryl DiGregorio or Brittany Carowick know.
Thank you! |